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The Danger of Focusing on the Character Flaws of Others

Recently, I have found myself spending a significant amount of time reflecting on the character flaws of our national leaders. From what I read and hear, so have many of you. While there is a place for that kind of reflection, it occurred to me this morning that it would be even more helpful if I spent a little time reflecting on my own character and shortcomings. When I focus on the character flaws of others, I become increasingly proud and blind to my own sins. When I ask the Holy Spirit to show me my own character flaws, the process of reflection often humbles me and attracts the transforming grace of God like a magnet.

I have adapted the following questions to be a helpful resource for you and me both in examining our own hearts. Do not simply skim over the list. Pause after each question and ask the Spirit to reveal your own heart. My prayer is that honest reflection will humble us and lead us into the kind of joy, peace, and kindness that the proud can never know.

  1. Am I demanding of others a higher standard of conduct than I demand of myself?
  2. Am I taking a less charitable view of the failings of my neighbors than I am of my own?
  3. Am I standing in public for principles which I do not practice in private?
  4. Do I ever allow bodily appetites to take precedence over spiritual interests?
  5. Do I ever allow the thought of my own gain to take precedence over the interests of the community?
  6. Am I facing the stress of my daily circumstances with courage and faith?
  7. Am I giving thanks for the many blessings in my life, including the people who fill it?
  8. Am I allowing my happiness to be too much dependent on money? On business success? Or on the good opinion of others?
  9. Is the sympathy I show to others who are in trouble commensurate with the pity I would expend on myself, if the same things happened to me?

I personally find myself convicted at some level by most of these, but especially numbers 2 and 7. Father, forgive me for being more concerned with what I see in others than with what is in my own heart. And help me this day to be more consistently grateful for the people and gifts that fill my life. Thank you for the infinite supply of forgiveness and transforming grace that flows to me from my Savior’s wounds. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Published inPrayerRandom ThoughtsUncategorized

One Comment

  1. Scott B. Scott B.

    Many times the “flaws” we see in others are the same shortcomings we struggle to overcome.

    Many of those you listed can do with some self-reflection on my part. 😊

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