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Our Costly Redemption

We were absolutely helpless, enslaved to the guilt and power of sin. Our condition was utterly hopeless. But Jesus willingly took all our sins upon himself and paid the ultimate price to secure our full redemption. Though we were guilty captives on death row, Jesus came and said, “I’ll take their place.” As I said in the sermon, No amount of our debits can ever exhaust his credits. When Jesus shed his blood on the cross, it covered over all our trespasses, even the ones we haven’t committed yet! His sacrifice is more than sufficient to deal with every sin, past, present and future. He purchased our freedom from sin and death at the highest cost. As we reflect on Christ’s sacrifice, may it fill us with awe and gratitude. May it motivate us to lives of joyful obedience and service. Christ’s love compels us, because we understand the immeasurable cost of the cross.


  1. Reflect on the immense cost Jesus paid to redeem you. How does this truth impact you?
  2. How should Christ’s incredible sacrifice motivate our gratitude and transform the way we live each day?
Published inSermon Devotionals

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