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Tag: James

Do Not Abuse Your Power: “Solemn Warning to the Wealthy” Day 3

Scripture: James 5:4 Exploiting workers to enrich yourself provokes the judgment of God. Withholding wages may seem trivial but has serious consequences. As stewards, we must deal justly with those we employ. God hears their cries and cares for the vulnerable. We glorify him when we imitate his compassion and…

The Temptation of Envy: “Solemn Warning to the Wealthy” Day One

Scripture: Psalm 73:2-3 It’s easy to look at the unrighteous rich and wish we had their lives. Their prosperity and ease can seem appealing. But Asaph reminds us that envy only leads to stumbling. The unrighteous rich face judgment while the righteous endure with hope in God’s justice. Let’s not…

“The Act of Humble Submission” Sermon Devotional Day 5

Humble submission involves actively acknowledging God’s sovereignty in our decision-making. As we make plans, it’s essential to bring them before the Lord, recognizing that His will may differ from ours. This submission leads to a profound trust that even when our plans falter, God’s purpose prevails. Reflection Questions:

“The ‘If’ Factor in Planning” Sermon Devotional Day 3 (James 4:13-17)

In James 4:15, we are encouraged to introduce humility into our plans by saying, “If the Lord wills.” This small phrase has significant implications, reminding us that God is the ultimate determiner of our paths. Embracing the “if the Lord wills” mindset shifts our focus from self-reliance to humble dependence…

“The Fragility of Our Plans” Sermon Devotional Day 1 (James 4:13-17)

In the pursuit of our ambitions and aspirations, it’s easy to forget the fragility of our plans. The story of Colman Mockler serves as a stark reminder that despite meticulous planning and apparent success, life can take unexpected turns. James urges us to recognize the inherent uncertainty in our lives…