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Book Review: “A Week in the Life of a Slave” by John Byron (IVP, 2019)

You can purchase this book from IVP or Amazon.

This week IVP released the newest installment in the “Week in the Life” series with John Byron’s “A Week in the Life of a Slave.” Byron is Professor of New Testament at Ashland Theological Seminary and focused his doctoral research at the University of Durham on slavery metaphors in early Judaism and Pauline Christianity. Since that time he has continued to write and publish on these themes and is well-equipped to recreate the historical context for Paul’s letter to Philemon, which is exactly what the book accomplishes. Readers will follow Onesimus the slave as he encounters the apostle Paul, Demas, and other New Testament figures while he is on the run from his owner Philemon. Through the witness of Paul and the Christian community, Onesimus is converted to Christianity and sent back to his master along with Paul’s letter which became part of the New Testament canon.

The greatest praise I can give this volume is that when I read the letter to Philemon at the end of the book, it was as though I read it with first-century eyes. Compared to the many other times I’ve read Philemon in my life, which could be compared to reading them in black and white, this time the meaning and purpose of the letter came through in living color. Any book that enables me to understand any part of the Word of God better is a gift, and so this book has been to me.

One of the features of the book that readers will appreciate are the numerous informational boxes in the text. These sidebars contain helpful insights into the historical and cultural background that add layers of texture to the book, and help the reader become better educated as they read the story and not simply entertained. Among the highlights for me were his succinct treatment of the translational challenge of 1 Corinthians 7:21 (p. 118) and his discussion of how astounding it would have sounded for a freedperson to refer to themselves as “a slave of God” or Christ (p.114).

In terms of the content itself, readers will find new light shed on their understanding of the gospel by considering its astonishing message through the eyes of a first-century slave (for example see pages 76-77). Additionally, characters mentioned in the Bible that we typically pass over without a thought, are given a history and a family and a place in the story. Personally, I appreciated the positive portrayal of Demas. Byron effectively humanizes a man that I have simply written off as one of the people who deserted Paul. But he was more than that. He was a partner to Paul at one point and valuable in the ministry, which makes his falling in love with the world all the more heartbreaking for Paul and cautionary for all of us in ministry today.

Another area the book brought to life for me was the warmth with which everyone was personally greeted in the Christian fellowships. Not only would that have impressed and touched the heart of a slave as the book demonstrates, but it would likely make an impact on the people who walk through the doors of our churches in the 21st century as well. I found myself reflecting on my own personal greetings of others in the church, and particularly how I greet (or fail to greet) those who are outsiders on account of their economic status, race, or history. In an age in which loneliness appears to be our greatest affliction, the warm welcome of a truly loving Christian community is a powerful apologetic for the good news we proclaim.

One valuable effect of the book is that it forces one to think about how things might have been in the first-century church. In some cases I found myself imagining things to have occurred differently than the way Byron imagines, but that I was imagining them at all is a testament to the power of the story he tells.

Finally the epilogue introducing the reader to Bishop Onesimus was a surprising and thought-provoking ending. Even ardent students of the Bible will likely be unfamiliar with what may have happened to Onesimus after Philemon received the letter and his slave.

While there is much to love about the book, readers of good literature will find that much of the dialogue in the book feels forced and unnatural. Additionally, whenever Paul spoke in the book I frequently found myself writing in the margins, “That doesn’t sound like Paul’s voice.” To be clear, I’m not in the same league as Dr. Byron when it comes to Pauline studies. But in my years of reading the vast corpus of Paul in the New Testament I believe I’ve come to know the voice of Paul the man at some level. And the portrayal of him here sometimes did not line up with what I expected. This might have been alleviated by having some of the imaginative dialogue that didn’t have to be spoken by Paul placed in the mouth of a character who is lesser known.

Finally, the informational boxes were loaded with helpful information, but their placement scattered throughout the chapters greatly disrupted the flow of the story itself. Perhaps in future editions, the material in these boxes could form an introduction at the beginning of each chapter so the reader is well-prepared for what he or she will encounter without having the storyline continually interrupted.

While I’ve shared a few brief critiques, they should not discourage anyone from purchasing and reading this book. Those who plan to preach or teach through Philemon will find this book a great aid to their study and imaginations. It reads quickly and easily and can bring you up-to-speed quickly on the practice of slavery in the first-century and how it should affect our reading of Philemon. Additionally, any who simply desire to have a better understanding of the language or practice of slavery in the New Testament will find a rich and reliable treasure trove in this eminently readable book.

My thanks to InterVarsity Press for sending me a complimentary copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

Published inBook ReviewsNew Testament

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