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10 Tips for Strengthening Your Marriage in the New Year: Advice for Christian Couples

As the New Year approaches, many of us take time to reflect on the past year and set goals for the coming year. If strengthening your marriage is on your list of resolutions for 2023, here are a few ideas to get you started. Subscribe to the blog and keep an eye out for future posts (links added in post when written) with more specific ideas.

10 Tips to Strengthen Your Marriage

10 Ways to Strengthen Your Marriage

1. Make Time for Each Other.

With the busyness of life, it’s easy to take our spouse for granted. Make a goal to set aside regular time for one-on-one conversations and activities with your husband or wife. Sometimes it may not be much. But I’m regularly amazed by how much my wife and I can re-connect on just a 15 minute walk.

2. Say ‘Thank You.’

Take time each day to express gratitude for your spouse and the things they do for you. Gratitude greases the wheels of a good marriage and helps establish a positive atmosphere in your home. You will discover that the more you express gratitude for your spouse, the more you will appreciate about him or her.

3. Be Each Other’s Biggest Fan.

Encourage and support each other in your individual goals and pursuits, unless your spouse’s goal is to become a professional clown. Then maybe just support them emotionally. Seriously, taking an interest in what your spouse is into and encouraging him or her along the way is one of the most wonderful things about marriage.

4. Surprise Them!

Whether it’s with a thoughtful gift or a spontaneous date night, little surprises can go a long way. But surprises take effort. It’s easy to slip into thinking that such things are not meaningful when you have been married for years. The truth is that such effort becomes increasingly meaningful the longer you are married.

5. Try Something New Together.

Branch out and try a new hobby or activity together. This can be a fun way to bond and to keep things interesting in your relationship. In a future post, I’ll throw some ideas out there, but you may already have something in mind. Tennis anyone?

6. Prioritize Physical Intimacy.

Make a goal to prioritize physical intimacy in your marriage and to create a healthy and loving environment for it. God made our bodies to respond to touch, particularly skin-to-skin contact. Embracing your spouse can stimulate the release of oxytocin (which bonds us together), reduce heart rate and blood pressure, reduce stress, and even cause pain relief. What a gift!

7. Communicate.

Make a goal to prioritize open and honest communication in your marriage. This includes listening actively and expressing your needs and concerns in a healthy way. Some have difficulty listening, and others have difficulty expressing what they need. Both are essential for good communication.

8. Seek Guidance.

Don’t be afraid to seek guidance and support from trusted Christian leaders or mentors. They can provide valuable perspective and encouragement as you work to strengthen your marriage. Marriage counseling can be tremendously beneficial for any couple and putting this kind of effort into your marriage is something to be proud of.

9. Forgive.

Make a commitment to forgive each other when conflicts or hurt arises. This can be a difficult but important step in building a healthy and loving marriage. Contrary to popular belief, this does not become less important the longer you’re married.

10. Have Fun!

Don’t forget to make time for fun and enjoyment as a couple. It’s simple but easy to overlook. Couples that have fun together–whether it’s a date, a getaway, or just a game night at home–are going to be happier and better weather the storms that are sure to come in any marriage.

In future posts, I plan to give you some specific ideas for each of these categories so subscribe to the blog with the link to the left and keep an eye out for updates. Approach each of these ten ideas with a flexible attitude and don’t be discouraged if you don’t get any traction with some of them. Just doing one or two of them will make a positive difference, and that is worth the effort. Most importantly, keep Christ at the center of your marriage, and seek to grow in your relationship with Him together as a couple. Here’s to a happy and meaningful New Year for you and your spouse!

Published inMarriagePersonal


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